Friday, September 19, 2014

Thinking About... Overthinking.

Was there ever a point in your life when you just felt that everything is not going the way you wanted it? Like, you have prepared well for today because you are going to meet up with an old friend and you’re both excited on catching up with each other, but when you are about to leave the house, it started to rain real hard and it started to flood. And then, you’re going to get mad and feel irritated, but after a while, you will realize that everything happens for a reason… 

But, little did we know that the real overthinking starts when we slowly analyze the reason behind everything. Sometimes, I relate overthinking to paranoia because when one over thinks things, it can cause that person to feel paranoid all the time, and that’s what may hinder us from living the life to the fullest.

Most of us are guilty of overthinking. And according to, to overthink means to “spend more time thinking about something than is necessary or productive”. Just a simple situation would turn out to be a really big deal. If somebody doesn’t talk to you, you would think that they are mad, or they hate you, or they don’t like you because you have this attitude, and all sorts of reason you could think of. Sometimes, a person could think of a 101 reason why a certain thing is happening, and the conclusion can lead to a lot more conclusions that would lead to unwanted thoughts. It’s hard when you all have these thoughts running inside your head. It takes away too much of your time and it would crush your brain. 

When we overthink, we tend to be too careful and too safe. But remember, life is not meant to be lived that way. We need to take risks from time to time. So, from being an overthinker, let loose of yourself.

  • Know that everything happens for a reason. Know that there is a reason but do not stress yourself on what exactly it is. It will come to you anyway and God will let you realize it at the right time. 
  • Surround yourself with happy people. These people do not overthink. They just have fun. They go with the flow and you must do the same! Joke around with your friends and just be happy.
  • Pray. Pray and realize that everything is just going the way God has planned it. He’s got your back! *wink*

So just sit back and relax, my friend. Too much of everything is not good. So think! But do not overthink! J